Ellie Belly

Ellie Belly
Our Little Cutie

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Funny Randoms

Today Ellie is 8 months old!  My how the time has flown by!  But we have loved every minute of it!  I was going through our pictures trying to decide what to post about and I found a whole bunch of funny random pictures of Ellie.  So that is my post today!  Enjoy!  And happy 8 months Ellie Belly!

 Bathtime fun
 Jenny Jump-up fun

 Playing on the bed fun

 Grandma Petersen's Funeral fun(?)

 Playing with Daddy fun

 Bowl-a-Thon fun
 Food fun

 Watching Elmo's World fun

You're so fun Ellie Belly!
We love you!