Ellie Belly

Ellie Belly
Our Little Cutie

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ellie likes to Grill!

Well maybe not quite, but we can turn ANYTHING into a Toy!

Chalk Art Festival

So not this past weekend but the weekend before Clint and I went on a little over-nighter getaway.  We went to Salt Lake and stayed at the Little America and just relaxed.  It was so nice!  We just hung out and watched movies and ate snacks and then on Saturday we went and walked around the Gateway.  Our intentions were to go to City Creek as well, but we didn't know that they had the Chalk Art Festival going on at the Gateway. 
We spent a lot of our time looking at all of the amazing pictures.  A lot of them were drawn by kids, but there were a few adults there too.  It was just amazing to us what people can do with chalk!  We want to go again next year, it was so fun!  And such a nice relaxing weekend for us.  We just hung out and did whatever we wanted to do.  We totally wish Ellie could have been there, but it was nice to not have to stop to change diapers or feed too. :) It was nice to have some mommy and daddy time!  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for watching Ellie!
Also, there were TONS of pictures, but these were our favorites.  There are some before or during pictures, and then after when we were on our way back to the car.

Ellie's First Haircut!

Ellie's hair was getting so so long, so mom finally gave in and let Grandma cut it.  It was about time!  Ellie did ok at first, but towards the end she did NOT want to hold still anymore!  But she looks as cute as ever! 

 Ellie started getting sick of holding still so she was trying to get away from Grandma!

 Ellie's audience

 Yay!  Clap for joy, we're done!

The outcome: a little palm full of Ellie Belly hair :) 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ellie's First Camping Trip and Swimming Excursion

We went camping the first weekend in June with Clint's family up to the East Canyon Resort.  It was pretty darn fun!  We were only up there for a day total, but we still had a blast!

Ellie got to go swimming for the first, and second time, and boy did she love it!  She didn't like wearing her hat, however.  No, no no!  But it was fun and we were grateful we got to go!

 In the morning Ellie was a tired cookie!  She wasn't quite ready to wake up.

 After our 2nd go around at swimming Ellie was so tired.  I was trying to put more sunscreen on her when she rested her head on me and then she was out! 
 Sunbathing :)

 Cool Hat Dad!

Then we had to take a bath time when we got home!  It was so fun to go camping.  We can't wait to go again in July!  Then we'll do some real camping in the Uintah's!