Ellie Belly

Ellie Belly
Our Little Cutie

Friday, March 30, 2012

Ellie is growing up so fast!

She really is, and it's both exciting and sad for us!  But we love the spunky fun little girl that she is, and she brings so much joy and happiness with her.  We love her so much!

Chillin' with Grandpa

My Dad, Nancy, Natalie and John came over a little bit ago so we got a picture of Ellie and them.  It's not very often that we get to hang out with my side of the family, so it's fun to take a picture with them when we do!

New Chew Toy

Ellie's in the first stages of teething and she LOVES to put everything in her mouth.  Here is her 'new' chew toy!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Tired Cookie

We love our Ellie Belly!  Especially when she's tired and delirious!  She's so funny and so cute.

I think mom and dad look pretty tired too!
We ALL should take a nap!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Blogging Frustrations!

So last night I was updating our blog with a new background, so I thought I would put a new picture of Ellie up as well.  BIG MISTAKE!  It wouldn't let me load an image as my main picture!  I don't know what to do!  It says that I have exceeded my photo upload quota and that I have to access my "Picasa Web Album" to fix it.  So I went there and the pictures that I was trying to put on the blog are in there, but it won't let me put them on my blog!  Have any of you had this problem?  If so, did you figure it out?  Please let me know!  Email me at nikitaraepetersen@yahoo.com.  Thanks!!!  Sorry the picture of Ellie is blurry at the top of the page.  It was the only one that I could download!  What a mess!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ellie and Her Toys

So yes, Ellie loves her toys.  But do you want to know what entertains her even more than toys?
Newspaper and magazines!  Food containers from restaurants!  Her hair brush!  A little key chain thing from my purse!  Paper!  Anything but toys!

So those are Ellie's new toys.  They're cheap and they keep her entertained for a very long time!  Although she still likes to have normal toy time sometimes! :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ellie Belly

We just have tons of cute pictures of Ellie and we need to share them.  These ones are from about a week ago.  Everytime I clip Ellie's nails while she's awake, she always opens her mouth and kind of sticks out her tongue.  It's pretty funny.  It must give her the willie's or something!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dinner with Daddy

Not this last Sunday, but the Sunday before, I had a really bad cold and stayed home from church.  I also stayed home from dinner and Family Home Evening with Clint's Dad's side of the family.  Clint and Ellie went though, and they had some fun!  Clint played mom for the night and had fun doing it!  Actually Clint helps out a ton.  It's so nice to have a husband that is willing to help take care of the kids!  Even if we just have one so far ;)  But Ellie had fun with everyone too! 

And she LOVES sitting on Grandpa's lap!
He just knows the right way to hold her!

Offret Wedding

Last Saturday my Dad and Nancy got married.  The ceremony was quick but it was nice.  The weather was PERFECT too, which made for a nice day!  Clint was the photographer, so there aren't any of him.  I felt bad but I got so busy with Ellie and recording the ceremony with the video camera that I forgot to take pictures of him.  Sorry Clinter!  Take a look at his good work though.  He's pretty handy with the camera!

We needed a babysitter while we both took pictures and recorded the ceremony, and my old Bishop Kelley and his wife VaDawn were more than willing!  Ray and Diane Morin (left) had fun with her too!  These two guys were in the Bishopric with my dad in their old ward.

After the ceremony we were outside taking pictures and we couldn't resist snapping some of my Aunt Holly and Uncle Dean's kids.  We think they are the cutest kids ever!!!

Cute Scarlett with her cute hair

Scarlett and Ellie Belly

We had to have cute Everett join in too!

This is their youngest, Truman.  What a cutie!  We went to Golden Corral after the wedding to all have lunch together.

Everett didn't know that Clint was taking pictures of him.  He sure was enjoying that marshmallow covered in chocolate! :)

This was my favorite.  We like to think that Scarlett and Ellie look alike, and it gives us hope for the future that our kids will be as cute as thiers!  Thanks for the fun day!