Ellie Belly

Ellie Belly
Our Little Cutie

Friday, October 5, 2012

Family Pictures

So we actually got some family pictures taken!  We planned it forever ago so that it would actually happen.  Just Clint and Ellie and I were going to do some during the summer, and when we asked to borrow his dad's camera Clint's parents told us they were going to do some in September if we wanted to wait until then.  We thought it would be a good idea since Ellie would be one and Ben would be here, so we decided to wait.

My mom wanted to do some back in August but we never had the time, so the next time you come out mom we'll have to plan it!

Here they are!

Pretty good for just taking them ourselves!  And tomorrow we are FINALLY taking Ellie's ONE YEAR pictures!  So that post will hopefully come soon!