Ellie Belly

Ellie Belly
Our Little Cutie

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

So the Sunday after our "Stay"cation, Ellie got quite sick.  She had a fever of 103.1 and even after having ibuprofen in her system for a few hours it would only go down to 101 degrees.  We decided to take her to the doctor early that next morning to see what was up.
She didn't have an ear infection, didn't have strep, but the doctor said that Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease was going around.  We set up an appointment for a couple days later and waited.
Sure enough, by Wednesday morning Ellie's hands and feet had big ol' sores on them and she didn't want to eat anything.  I took her in to the doctor and he verified our thoughts...Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.  She had about 20-30 cankers inside her mouth, which was why she didn't want to eat.
It was a long week, but it only lasted a week and now she's back to normal!  What a rough time though!  We felt so bad for her but there was nothing we could do but wait it out.  What a tough cookie!
 These are the sores about a week and a half later...after they popped and were on the healing end of the deal.