Ellie Belly

Ellie Belly
Our Little Cutie

Friday, January 20, 2012

Ellie Belly Time

We've had a hard time getting Ellie to like 'Tummy Time.'  She just fusses the whole time she's on her belly because she can't do anything once she's there.  We have tried to teach her to lay her head down on its side, but she just doesn't want to!  We try to roll her onto her back and she just rolls right back over on to her belly!  The little stinker! :)

BUT, on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr.Day, she enjoyed her tummy time!  I couldn't believe it, so I thought I better take a picture to prove it to Daddy!  I just gave her my phone and she had a good 'ol time!  What a funny girl.

See her glazed little eyes?  That's the day she got her pink eye.  No fun!