Throughout the whole pregnancy I was determined and sure that I was not going to go past my due date. I would have our little baby on or before her due date of August 25. Boy was I wrong! We learned that she was stubborn while she was in my belly, but we didn't know how stubborn until my due date came and went with no baby in sight. Clint made a little sign to mark the occasion...
Then on August 29 at 4:30 in the morning I woke up and realized my water had broken! So we got everything ready and went to the hospital. I was in labor for 12 hours and at 6:00 the doctor came in to get ready to go! I pushed for 19 minutes, and at 6:27 p.m. little Ellie Rose was born. She was 21 inches long and weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces. She was healthy and strong and didn't have anything wrong with her. We were so lucky and so blessed.
The name Ellie Rose kind of came about through a joke. We had mentioned to our families that we liked the name Eleanor, wanting to call her Ellie for short, and Clint's mom Carolyn did not like that name! And Clint's Grandma Child's middle name is Rose, and she doesn't like that name either because she was made fun of while growing up. So we would always say "Oh, we're going to name her Eleanor Rose" just to get a reaction out of them. But, along the way, it kind of grew on us! We decided though, that if we were going to call her Ellie, we might as well just name her Ellie. So that's how her name came about!
She is 5 weeks old as of yesterday, and she's just a ball of fun! Here are some pictures from that day...
We can't believe how much she has grown over the last five weeks! It's crazy! And her little personality comes out more and more each day. It's so fun to be her parents and to watch every minute of her life progress. We are so lucky and so grateful for her. She is the most wonderful blessing we could have ever asked for and we love her so much!