Ellie Belly

Ellie Belly
Our Little Cutie

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ellie's Growing Up!

As of yesterday, Monday, October 17, Ellie was seven weeks old!  I just cannot believe it!  She will be two months old next week and I am just in shock!  I have been so lucky to have ten weeks of Maternity Leave from work also.  This is the seventh week, and I am definitely not looking forward to going back!  I love spending my days with little Ellie, even though I don't seem to get much done besides feeding her and taking care of her and then trying to take care of myself and get dinner made by the time Clint gets home!  But we're going to be moving here in the next week or two, so I need to start packing while I'm home during the days!  But it has been so fun to see Ellie grow so much.  I swear she gets bigger and bigger each day and I am so grateful for cameras.  I don't think we've gone a day without taking a picture of her! 

So I posted last week about the funny pictures Clint and I get with our phones of Ellie.  Well, I got more pictures of her cute faces!  After I feed Ellie and she's in a happy fun mood, I like to kiss her cheeks like crazy!  I've started saying 'Kisses' before I kiss her, to help her learn that when I kiss her it's called a kiss!  Anyway, she has started kissing back!  It's so so so fun.  She gets the biggest little grin and makes little kissing noises back to me.  If I had to say what my favorite thing is about being a mom, it would be just those cute little moments when she looks back at me with her biggest little grin and just starts cooing.  I think Clint would say the same thing about being a Dad.  It just kind of lets us know that she knows us and hopefully loves us as much as we love her!

So here are some more fun, cute little pictures of our seven-week old Ellie!  She's such a sweetie and we love her so much!